Can negative emotions be effective in advertising? Sentient looks at Mint Mobile’s “Chunky Style Milk”.

By Aaron Reid
December 5, 2019

Sentient recently presented insights on Mint Mobile’s “Chunky Style Milk” at IIeX US in Boston this year. We were so intrigued by the results on emotions that are out of the ordinary that we wanted to learn more on how they can be used effectively in advertising.

Does an ad that evokes negative emotion while consumers are watching influence perceptions of the brand after they’re done watching? In order to capture any negative impact on the brand, we needed implicit association testing to measure cognitive association changes and facial coding of expressions to measure the emotional experience. The combination of real-time emotional expression cut by change in implicit attitude toward the brands, reveals not only what people are feeling, but why.

We have published a case study on the findings that can be viewed under Our Impact. The Sentient Series on Emotions in Advertising will feature monthly case studies highlighting the use of positive and negative discrete emotions to drive results for brands. Subscribe to our insights blog to be the first to see and share insights on how emotion influences consumer behavior. 

Read about the study: Emotions in Advertising: Can Disgust be a Good Thing?


Aaron Reid


Founder & CEO, Sentient Decision Science, Inc.



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