Relying on A/B Testing Is Riskier Than You Think: Avoid Turning Your Brand Into Clickbait
With the surge in social media ad spend, brands increasingly rely on A/B testing and click behavior to assess ad effectiveness.
This approach, while useful in the short term, can be misleading and potentially harmful for brands.
For example, Dove’s three second body wash ad faced significant backlash on social media for its perceived racial insensitivity, demonstrating how quick, in the wild creative approaches can miss deeper issues. Without understanding the psychological and emotional responses to the ad, brands risk damaging their reputation and alienating their audience.
Relying solely on A/B testing in the wild—without pre-testing—for marketing optimization is like trying to navigate a maze with only a flashlight—you might see a few paths clearly, but you miss the bigger picture. Just as a flashlight can only illuminate a small portion at a time, A/B testing provides insights into isolated elements of a campaign, often overlooking the broader, more complex interactions that drive long-term brand success.
In contrast, using automated behavioral science for pre-testing your ad is akin to navigating the same maze with a detailed map and a compass. This approach not only highlights the best paths but also helps understand why certain routes are preferable, guiding marketers to make more informed decisions. Behavioral science pre-testing goes beyond the surface, delving into the psychological and emotional responses of consumers, which are crucial for long-term brand loyalty and effective campaign strategies.
Gauging an ad’s performance based on clicks, impressions, or decay rates alone is a substantial risk—one that could lead to brand value erosion. And as Marketing Week reminds us, “clients are not in the business of taking risks for the sake of the long shot of creative infamy.” Emotion is critical to the decision-making process and long-term loyalty towards the brand. You can’t measure an advertisement’s performance on brand perceptions with just app-based analytics.
Yet, often times brands will rely on A/B testing to improve conversion. Our research with Meta proves using behavioral science measures to pre-test creative can better provide you with the confidence you need for your media buy—including more accurate predictions of conversion and implicit brand impact, giving you a competitive advantage.
Validating the PoE Model & Revealing Ad Impact at Scale
40K Participants
Randomly assigning participants into 1 of 2 groups with identical designs, measured at the same time.
500+ Ads
Implicit testing on over 500 ads to validate the accuracy of methods for future large-scale testing.
Reliability Results:
The year long study with Meta revealed that not only are implicit methods predictively valid, the model is among the most reliable behavioral science measures within advanced marketing research techniques.
R = 0.99
Source: Sentient Decision Science was commissioned to study people ages 18+ who reside in the US, Dec. 2017 – Feb. 2018
Why Would You Sacrifice Sales to Test Ad Performance?
A/B testing typically focuses on small, isolated changes to specific elements of a product or service. This means it may not capture the full impact of more complex changes or interactions between different creative elements. With multiple comparisons being made simultaneously, there is a risk of encountering false positives, where a variation appears to be performing better purely due to chance. Brands also stand a chance at being narrow sighted—deprioritizing long-term needs for short term results. And given this short testing time frame, the results may not be accurate, failing to gain good statistical power. Additionally, because A/B testing is served in a live environment, numerous external factors can influence results. Misinterpretation of these results can lead to erroneous conclusions and ineffective decision-making over time.
Hidden Costs of A/B Testing
- Weak or sometimes no optimization recommendations provided
- Lack of real consumer insight & understanding of why ads work and don’t work
- Potential risk of hurting the brand’s appeal
- Can’t determine the long-term impact of your creative
- Loss of revenue with wasted ad spend and misleading results
- Requires high traffic with sometimes laborious iterations
Why not make the best creative decisions on the onset?
Validate your approach with behavioral science to save time and money on your next campaign or consumer research project.
While some argue the merits of A/B testing for fine tuning creative, quantitative behavioral science pre-testing offers several advantages for brands.
Advantages of Automated Behavioral Science
- Ability to understand the visual and emotional impact of your communications, helping determine which parts of your ad work and which need refinement
- Deeper insights into audiences through moment-by-moment emotional expression analysis
- Accurately quantifies brand recall, uncovering your ad’s brand attribution performance
- Ensures a controlled & precise testing environment to better detect exposure to creative in-context
- Improves speed to actionable insights and your research efficiency
- Reduces organizational pressure around creative development, enabling brands to devote more time to a winning ad
While A/B testing can at times help refine your ad by showing which specific changes lead to short-term improvements, it often misses out on the deeper insights needed to predict consumer behavior accurately—which may result in making the wrong campaign decisions. Behavioral science methods, validated by case studies like Meta, reveal the true impact of advertisements on memory, desire, and brand perception—providing a more reliable foundation for making strategic marketing decisions for your brand.
Want to Learn More?
Sentient’s Emotion AI incorporates a comprehensive suite of behavioral measures to better evaluate the performance of creative. Our Subtext ad testing solution outperforms traditional A/B testing by providing deeper diagnostics that improve creative optimization, reducing marketing waste. Using tools like Subtext and Subtext SOCIAL uncover the specific elements of your media (both static and video) that strengthen or weaken its performance. Our products are adaptable to meet the needs of your research inquiry, capable of quantifying Memory, Implicit Appeal, strength of attribute associations, and Purchase Likelihood using combined System 1 and System 2 methods. With the ability to isolate variables and test variations of creative, researchers are left with a clearer understanding on the drivers of behavior.
By: Jeremy Clough
SVP Brand & Product Strategy