Where to Find Sentient at the 2016 IIeX Forums

By Christina Luppi
November 10, 2016
The IIeX Forum on Nonconscious Consumers has a special place in our collective heart because its main goal aligns with one of our own: Apply behavioral science to better understand and predict consumer behavior and show how embracing behavioral principles can help companies grow. Consequently, we’re not just attending to exhibit, but are also speaking at two different sessions to share market research insights from our experience.
Here’s where to find the team, and our Sentient Prime implicit research technology, at the 2016 IIeX Forums. Haven’t yet registered? Enter the code ISITIMPLICIT25 at checkout and enjoy 25% off on us!

Can Advertising Reduce Implicit Bias? How Smirnoff Is Changing Global Attitudes Toward “Others”

What: Speaking Session
When: Day 1 (November 14) at 1:40 p.m.
Who: Dr. Kristina Zosuls, Behavioral Scientist,  Sentient Decision Science; Dr. Aaron Reid, Founder, Sentient Decision Science
Amidst tumultuous political climates in the U.S. and the U.K., the topic of implicit bias has risen from academic niche to mainstream discussion. Smirnoff, a brand focused on “welcoming” and “good times together,” sponsored a landmark study to measure levels of implicit bias globally and understand whether their marketing communications could create greater feelings of “inclusivity.”
This case study will show how the brand is taking the implicit insights to produce creative content that not only benefits the brand but also moves the needle on cultural feelings of inclusivity in the U.S. and U.K.

But Our Customers Said They Would Buy It!

What: Speaking Session
When: Day 2 (November 15) at 11:50 a.m.
Who: Dr. Aaron Reid, Founder, Sentient Decision Science
Imagine a world where that ultimate defense of your research, “but look at the data—our customers said they would buy it!” no longer carries any weight in the boardroom. Imagine a world where insights professionals are no longer off-the-hook for relying on what consumers say, but rather are now accountable for understanding how consumers actually feel and reporting on what they will actually do.
In this presentation, Dr. Reid will detail how knowledge gained from the last 10 years of measuring the consumer subconscious is providing foresight on how the very nature of insights work will change over the next 10 years.

Experience Sentient Prime at Booth 4

Sentient Prime is an implicit research technology that measures the degree of emotional associations with brands and products, and has been in practice within business market research for nearly a decade. Recently, this same technique has been used to measure emotional associations with political candidates, and specifically to measure the emotional impact of exposure to advertising. Interested? You can lay hands on Sentient Prime at booth #4 and see for yourself.

Sentient Prime Implicit Research Studies

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