In Defense of Marketing: Neuromarketing Research Means Better Products

By Sentient Decision Science, Inc.
May 2, 2014
As a marketing professional, have you ever found yourself having to defend the ethics of your occupation? In popular culture, marketers are misunderstood at best and villainized at worst. But marketing is a fundamental human trait that drives not only connection, but innovation as well.
In this white paper, we argue for moving the debate from the topic of the ethics of marketing to debating the ethics of the values being marketed.
This white paper:

  • Explores the nature and ethics of conscious and subconscious marketing tactics
  • Details how subconscious marketing influences behavior through the automatic activation of values and goals
  • Discusses why we should embrace marketing as the spice of our lives rather than relegate it to the depths of the dangerous and deceptive
  • Advocates for embracing the influence of the subconscious on behavior on traditional marketing
  • Argues that neuromarketing research helps create better products and services by tapping into the consumer subconscious to find out what customers want, and why

This paper is a defense of marketing, not only as a fundamental human trait, but also as a necessary life propagation force. That last sentence might require a double-take, but yes we will argue herein, that without marketing we would not be here as a species.
Intrigued? Incredulous? Download our, “In Defense of Marketing” white paper to join the debate.



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