Sentient Decision Science Technologies

Making subconscious access universal.

Our Sentient Technologies division is dedicated to the development and advancement of implicit research technology to provide universal access to the human subconscious.
Advanced research methodologies that qualify as implicit and have the power to reveal non-conscious emotions and cognition include:
  • True implicit testing
  • EEG and fMRI (among other neuroscience methods)
  • Biometrics (including heart-rate, pupil dilation & electrodermal activity)
In collaboration with the scientists from the Sentient Consumer Subconscious Research Lab, Sentient Technologies has automated the use of several methods from indirect (eye-tracking, for example) to truly implicit measures.

Methods that Quantify Emotion and Reason

Our research begins with the fundamentally more accurate Proportion of EmotionTM model of human decision making which balances emotion with reason in predicting behavior just as consumer do.
We combine our deep expertise in the measurement of emotion with our expertise in consumer choice modeling to produce research designs that quantify the impact of both System 1 and System 2 processing on consumer behavior.

Implicit Associations

Sentient Prime® implicit research technology is the industry-leading tool for quantifying implicit associations. With over ten years of R&D and over 100 million subconscious associations measured on thousands of brands, products, and advertising, Sentient Prime provides unprecedented access to the consumer non-conscious on a global scale. The Sentient Prime technology is patent pending.


Facial Action Coding

Sentient uses Sentient Expression® the automated facial action coding technology to provide globally scalable moment-by-moment measurement of emotional response to advertising. This method reveals powerful insights when coupled with eye-tracking and implicit associations.


Eye Tracking

Our market research solutions incorporate location-based stationary tracking for high-precision advertising and package testing, mobile eye-tracking for in-store shopper research, and scalable online web-based eye-tracking for solutions requiring less granularity.


Award Winning Technology

Our technologies team’s efforts to advance the accuracy and extensibility of behavioral science has gained us a lot of notoriety.


Contact us for more information about Sentient Decision Science and our groundbreaking research.